Our Motorcycle Kickstart Classic ride returns to Dale’s Wheels Through Time Museum again in 2019 for what might be the best ride we have event put together for our staff and readers.
The Motorcycle Kickstart Classic is open to all make, models and years of motorcycles, trikes and sidecar rigs. Founder Buzz Kanter jokes “We have the older bikes ride up front and the newer ones in the back to pick up whatever parts fall off the older ones.”
Dale and Trish Walksler – our host and hostess at Dale’s Wheels Through Time.
Registered riders and passengers are invited to Dale’s Wheels Through Time Museum Tuesday, October 8th with free access to the museum and a welcome dinner that evening.
We will take a group photo the next morning, then get on the road West. We will stay off the highwyays and main roads to enjoy a nice pace for the old bikes.
After an overnight stop, we ride to Loretta Lynn’s Dude Ranch the next day (Thursday, October 10. We will arrive in time to be part of the amazing Tennessee Motorcycles & Music Revival, where all Kickstart riders will have VIP access.
The two-day ride is about 400 miles in total.
All riders and passengers need register to join us. Registration is $195 per person, or pre-register before September 8 and save $45 per person.
All registered riders get free access to Dale’s Wheels Through Time Museum Oct 8, as well as the welcome reception and dinner. Also ride support and two event t-shirts per person.
You can download a registration form here or request one from Rosemary at 203.425.8777 x114 or email her at RosemaryC@TAMCommunications.com
Sponsors to date include American Iron Magazine, Garage Build magazine and Greaserag.